Pope Francis: 'We sin against hope when we remain anchored in the past'

During his catechesis, Pope Francis reflected on hope, one of the three theological virtues. He pointed out that hope, for a Christian, is Jesus himself and that “without hope (…) man lives in sadness and falls into despair. We sin against hope when we remain anchored in the past, forgetting that God loves us, that he is merciful and greater than our heart; we sin when we do not have the courage to make decisions that commit us for life.”


Dear brothers and sisters:

In our continuing catechesis on the theological virtues, we now examine hope, by which we desire the happiness of eternal life. Without hope the life of virtue would seem unobtainable. Christian hope is grounded in the Lord himself who died and rose for us. As his followers we trust in his promises, especially the gift of the Holy Spirit, striving each day to live in a manner worthy of our calling. Patience walks hand-in-hand with hope, providing a steady path forward. When we are accompanied by them on the journey of life, we remember God’s mercy and faithful love. This helps us to avoid being held captive by nostalgia for the past, by melancholy or discourgement. With youthful hearts may we, like Simeon and Anna, persevere in hope.

I greet all the English-speaking pilgrims and visitors taking part in today’s Audience, especially those from Cameroon, India, the Philippines and the United States of America. As we prepare to celebrate the Solemnity of the Ascension, I invoke upon you and your families the joy and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, risen and ascended into heaven. May the Lord bless you all!