Diocesan Event Calendar
New Testament II Pauline/Pastoral Epistles
St. Michael, the Archangel
Cary - North Carolina
The Raleigh Diocese Catholic Committee on Scouting will be hosting their quarterly meeting of all interested Boy Scout, Girl Scout, Crew, and Pack leaders to discuss issues related to…
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church - parish library
Newton Grove - North Carolina
En la Parroquia de Saint James, Henderson, se realizará una capacitación para “Reconocer y reportar el abuso y la negligencia infantil”. Este programa, acerca de un ambiente seguro, es requerido para…
St. James Catholic Church
Henderson - North Carolina
En la St. Thomas More de la ciudad de Chapel Hill se realizará una capacitación para “Reconocer y reportar el abuso y la negligencia infantil”. Este programa, acerca de un ambiente seguro, es…
St. Thomas More Catholic Church, St. Theresa Hall
Chapel Hill - North Carolina
Deacons of our diocese and their wives enjoy a weekend of spiritual fellowship with the deacon community.
Caraway Conference Center
Sophia - North Carolina
La oficina de Evangelización y Discipulado de la diócesis de Raleigh, le invita a una noche de prédica y Hora Santa, "Vida de gracia en familia", con el Fray Nelson Medina de Colombia.
St. Eugene Catholic Church
Wendell - North Carolina
Cost: $0
La oficina de Evangelización y Discipulado de la diócesis de Raleigh, le invita al retiro para coordinadores de los diferentes ministerios de la parroquia: "La vocación del laico", con el Fray Nelson…
Saint Ann Catholic Church
Clayton - North Carolina
Cost: $10
St. Thomas More in Chapel Hill will host a training in recognizing and reporting child abuse and neglect. This is the safe environment training that is required for all clergy, employees and those in…
St. Thomas More Catholic Church, Friends & Family Hall
Chapel Hill - North Carolina
As part of our 100-year anniversary as a diocese, we are celebrating Native American and Catholic heritage at our new parish center beside the Cathedral from 11 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. on October 5! This…
Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral Parish Center
Raleigh - North Carolina
The Office of Child & Youth Protection will host a training in recognizing and reporting child abuse and neglect. This is the safe environment training that is required for all clergy, employees…
La Oficina de Proteccion de ninos y jovenes realizará una capacitación para “Reconocer y reportar el abuso y la negligencia infantil”. Este programa, acerca de un ambiente seguro, es requerido para…
Ministry to Hispanic/Latino Community
St. Michael, the Archangel
Cary - North Carolina
Los invitamos a la Misa de la Herencia Hispana, presidida por nuestro señor obispo Luis Rafael Zarama, el sábado 12 de octubre del 2024 en la Catedral Santo Nombre de Jesús, 715 Nazareth St, Raleigh…
Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral
Raleigh - North Carolina
Cost: $0
St. Thomas More in Chapel Hill will host a training in recognizing and reporting child abuse and neglect. This is the safe environment training that is required for all clergy, employees and those in…
St. Thomas More Catholic Church, Friends & Family Hall
Chapel Hill - North Carolina
Search is a peer-led retreat weekend sponsored by the Diocese of Raleigh for 10th, 11th, and 12th graders, and adults who work with them, who want to be a part of an exciting and different weekend.…
Short Journey Center
Smithfield - North Carolina
Cost: $80
We are excited to be joined by the Choir of the National Shrine in Washington, DC, directed by Dr. Peter Latona. All the faithful are invited to come celebrate our centennial through music in the…
Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral
Raleigh - North Carolina
Project Rachel of Central and Eastern North Carolina is a post-abortion healing ministry. Women, men, and families who are suffering the devastating effects of participation in abortion are offered…
Catholic Center-Conference Room 1-A
Raleigh - North Carolina
The Office of Evangelization and Discipleship is excited to invite all New Leaders in faith formation roles in the Diocese of Raleigh. Join us at the Catholic Center on 10/30/24 from 9:00 am to 3:00…
Diocese of Raleigh Catholic Center
Raleigh - North Carolina
Cost: $0
Holy Hour with Bishop Luis Zarama, celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Diocese of Raleigh.
Santa Clara Catholic Mission
Magnolia - North Carolina
This commemorative Mass will mark the centennial of the Diocese of Raleigh and celebrate the ideas of servant leadership and life-giving love, which have been present throughout our 100-year history…
Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral
Raleigh - North Carolina
As the Diocese of Raleigh celebrates its 100th Anniversary and commemorates a century of growing in the Body of Christ, the Centennial Ball will help to strengthen Bishop Luis Rafael Zarama's vital…
Dorothy and Roy Park Alumni Center at NC State University
Raleigh - North Carolina
These quarterly virtual Bereavement Ministry Networking Sessions are drop-In style, the agenda will be open to any topics raised by attendees PLUS each session will highlight at least one ministry…
Online Meeting
The Office of Child & Youth Protection will host a training in recognizing and reporting child abuse and neglect. This is the safe environment training that is required for all clergy, employees…
La Oficina de Proteccion de ninos y jovenes realizará una capacitación para “Reconocer y reportar el abuso y la negligencia infantil”. Este programa, acerca de un ambiente seguro, es requerido para…