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2024-03-26 10:30:00
2024-03-26 10:30:00
Chrism Mass
During the Chrism Mass, diocesan priests renew their priestly vows together with their fellow priests and other representatives from the 96 parishes, campus ministries and mission churches in the Diocese of Raleigh. Bishop Zarama also blesses the holy oils and sacred chrism, which will be used across the diocese throughout the year for sacraments such as baptism, confirmation and anointing of the sick. The Mass will be livestreamed from the diocesan YouTube channel.
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Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral
Diocese of Raleigh
During the Chrism Mass, diocesan priests renew their priestly vows together with their fellow priests and other representatives from the 96 parishes, campus ministries and mission churches in the Diocese of Raleigh. Bishop Zarama also blesses the holy oils and sacred chrism, which will be used across the diocese throughout the year for sacraments such as baptism, confirmation and anointing of the sick. The Mass will be livestreamed from the diocesan YouTube channel.