Above: Patti Wagner and Julie Hall show the students the baptismal font in the St. Thomas More Church.
Several non-Catholic students at St. Thomas More School have made the decision to become Catholic. Throughout their journey, the students will participate in classes taught by Patti Wagner, former 2nd grade teacher at St. Thomas More, and Julie Hall, director of Elementary Faith Development. The classes will prepare the students to receive the sacraments of baptism, first reconciliation, First Holy Communion and confirmation.
Wagner likes to begin the class by reading a Bible story to help explain the history of the Catholic faith. She believes that it’s important to start at the beginning in order to understand what it means to be Catholic and that ultimately it will make the process more meaningful for the children.
St. Thomas More School has always been a place that welcomes everyone, not just those who are Catholic. But by coming to Mass every week with their schoolmates and teachers, these non-Catholic students were inspired to come into the Church to be able to fully participate in the celebration of Mass.
Lisa Munster, mother of Benicio (4th grade) and Sienna (2nd grade) said, “We're excited our children have chosen on their own to be baptized and confirmed. They both are looking forward to modeling their lives after Jesus and will try their best to care for others and use their unique gifts and talents for the good of the community and the world. My husband and I look forward to seeing them grow in the Catholic Community and Church.”
About St. Thomas More School: Our school is an intrinsic part of the Catholic Community of St. Thomas More, and our mission is to provide an education to each child in a God-centered environment. We exist to share the Good News of Jesus Christ, educating children and their families in the Catholic faith, while celebrating the diversity of all faith traditions. All are welcome to learn and worship with us.