Mrs. Anna L. Bragg, principal of Annunciation Catholic School in Havelock, NC, announced that the school will offer free, virtual summer camps and math enrichment to all of its students. Bragg noted that the camps keep students connected and engaged during the summer months.
“During these difficult months of staying home, it is vital to help our students’ academic and social growth. These virtual camps are focused on fun and social connections for students and families,” Bragg said.
Mrs. Mary Paige, summer camp director, stated, “It is important to me as an educator to maintain the bond we have all built with our students and community. Our families trust us every day to teach and guide their children. It is a responsibility none of us take lightly, and with this virtual program we have built, our school is able to not only maintain bonds but strengthen them as well. We strive to be innovators and show excellence in education. There is no better way to show that than to go above and beyond in support of our students, our families, and our community.”
Camp teacher Mrs. Giselle Rykhus said, “With the difficult times this world is facing, it is a blessing to be a constant and familiar face for students. Their smiles light up my day, and I hope that I can do the same for them.”
Mrs. AnnMarie Galban, who teaches math, said, “Families come together in times of need, and our school community is our family! Spending time focusing on keeping our brains sharp for a new academic year will be the goal for our family for the time being. We are looking forward to seeing your faces!”
Creation of the camps, which are hosted using ClassDojo, began early in June to prepare for a positive experience for the students. The camps feature both live Zoom sessions and recorded YouTube sessions so that all students may participate. The topics include “Under the Sea,” “Space” and “Animal Planet.” Math sessions will focus on solving word problems, math operations, and other topics aligned to the curriculum.
Dr. John Pendergrass, assistant superintendent of schools for the Diocese of Raleigh, said, “Our parishes and schools are finding new ways to express the faith, hope and love that unite us. We walk together, we walk by faith. Our churches and schools are the physical reminder of a spiritual truth. From Romans 12:5: ‘So we, though many, are one body in Christ* and individually parts of one another.’ Distance learning reminds us that we are united at our core.”
Bragg said, “These camps provide us with opportunity to go ‘above and beyond’ for our families during the COVID19 crisis, ensuring that our students can continue to learn and grow while they are safely at home.” Anyone interested in enrolling their children at Annunciation may contact the school at 252-447-3137.
Annunciation Catholic is a preschool-3 thru 8th grade school located in Havelock, NC, and has more than 160 students from throughout Craven and Carteret counties. Its mission is to "provide our students with a foundation in the Catholic faith and a strong academic education. We develop active citizens who live and love as Christ did. We make the world a better place. We pray. We learn. We love."
Photos by Ema Rodriguez
Pictured: Noah Rykhus, Giselle Rykhus; Anna Bragg, Virginia Butler, Noah Rykhus, Giselle Rykhus, Ema Rodriguez