RALEIGH - Sister Miriam plays volleyball, shares morning prayer, shoots hoops and can discuss the Gospel of Luke.
The sister, who belongs to the Missionaries of the Word community, visited her alma mater, St. Thomas More Academy, in October to speak with students.
“She gave a presentation to the student body and was also able to simply spend time with the students in play and conversation,” said STMA faculty member Ian Dornan, who is also her brother-in-law. “Many of the students were touched by her joy even when she was simply playing basketball or volleyball with them.”
Dornan added that during her presentation, she explained how she practices Lectio Divina with the Gospel readings, specifically Luke 17:11-19, showing how the lepers could be an example for us on how to pray well.
“She said that we must first realize our sinfulness and distance from God, and then cry out to him as the lepers did, knowing that he is our source of life. She also reflected on the beautiful reward received by the leper who returned to thank Jesus. Unlike the others who were healed, he was able to draw close to Jesus, looking into his loving face, as he expressed his gratitude,” said Dornan.
Read more about Sister Miriam, formerly known as Kathie Chatelain, and her vocation journey.