RALEIGH - About 500 people gathered on Halifax Mall in downtown Raleigh for the 26th annual N.C. Right to Life Rally and March May 18. Diocese of Raleigh parishes, including St. Michael the Archangel in Cary and Sacred Heart in Dunn, were represented as parishioners carried signs. Participants from the Diocese of Charlotte attended as well.
A local youth band played music. And members of Students for Life of America handed out signs and informational pamphlets.
Alicia Foreman, a leader in that organization, was one of them.
“I grew up in a very secular, pro-choice house, and I started to learn more about abortion. It really just lit a spark in me to realize that these are innocent human beings, and why is no one there fighting for them? We want to achieve equal rights for all,” she said. “And that starts with the child in the womb. We are here to give a voice to the voiceless and to stand up for the most vulnerable.”
Before the march began, the rally featured an inspiring line-up of speakers, including veteran pro-lifers as well as newcomers.
Keynote speaker Carol Tobias, president of the National Right to Life Committee, stressed that compassion for mothers and their children is at the heart of the pro-life cause.
“In the pro-life community, a woman can find help and hope. If she’s had an abortion, she can find healing,” Tobias said.
To applause, Tobias stated, “The pro-life movement cares about both mother and child … let’s celebrate life for all born and unborn and never give up.”
The President of North Carolina Right to Life, Bill Pincus, reflected on the value of every human life.
“My perspective, especially as being a physician, is that life starts at conception. Once fertilization occurs, it is a unique distinct human being,” said Pincus.
Following the rally, people followed the Knights of Columbus as they peacefully led the march throughout the streets of downtown Raleigh.
Many at the march were inspired to carry their passion into their everyday lives.
Deacon Josh Klickman offered insight into how he personally lives out the pro-life mission.
“Praying is the most important thing to do. I do as best I can to interiorize good morals and good values and show the joy of the Gospel, the joy of having a life connected to God,” Klickman said. “What I do in my own personal life is to try to encounter people who I disagree with and make them my friends, show them that I love them the same way God had shown his love to me.”