Formation for Special Needs

Diocesan Workshops

Lunch and Learn for Leaders (PDF) – This booklet condenses the information shared at the 2021 presentations sharing ways to provide a welcoming, inclusive and belonging experience to people of all ages with special needs, differences and disabilities.

Encuentro con Jesus Recap – Katushka Olave nos presenta modelos para ayudar a las personas con necesidades especiales y familias en su formación en la fe. Vea los videos para aprender sobre estos modelos.

Encountering Jesus Recap – Presented October 2020, Maggie Rousseau, Director of Disabilities from the Archdiocese of Atlanta. This workshop assists catechists in helping people with special needs and disabilities encounter Jesus. 

Lillie Rodgers Presentation – Presented July 14, 2019 by Lillie Rodgers from Loyola Press – Special Needs Workshop-Diocese of Raleigh demonstrating the movement from inclusion to belonging for persons with special needs.

Church Documents

General Directory for Catechesis #189 - 192 – Document for the worldwide Church for persons with differences and disabilities.

Catechesis for People with Disabilities from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. The link provides resources for welcoming disabled parishioners, a disabilities video series, guidelines for celebrating the sacraments with disabled people, and a webinar about teaching prayer to disabled people.

National Organization

The National Catholic Partnership on Disability – Rooted in Gospel values that affirm the dignity of every person, the National Catholic Partnership on Disability (NCPD) works collaboratively to ensure meaningful participation of people with disabilities in all aspects of the life of the Church and society. The NCPD website offers a wide variety of resources to renovate and sustain ministry to-and-with all people with disabilities and their families.

Parish Resources

Special Needs Registration Form

Special Needs Narrative Registration Form (PDF)

Faith Buddy Guidelines

Catechist Resources

Loyola Press Resources – Offers adaptive learning kits and inclusive faith resources.

The Adaptive Teacher: Faith-Based Strategies to Reach and Teach Learners with Disabilities

Catechists Companion - Our Sunday Visitor

Special Saints for Special People


University of Dayton – Support network and resource to individuals with disabilities and their families by providing DVDs, and print resources, consultations, and networking opportunities on the national and local level.