Celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation

“Through the Sacrament of Confirmation the Apostles themselves and the Bishops…have handed on to the baptized the special gift of the Holy Spirit, promised by Christ the Lord and poured out upon the Apostles at Pentecost. With its help, initiation in the Christian life is so brought to completion that the faithful, strengthened by heavenly power, go forth as true witnesses of Christ in word and example, and are bound more closely to the Church. So that ‘the intimate connection of this Sacrament within the whole of Christian Initiation’ might more clearly be set forth, the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council decreed that the Rite of Confirmation was to be revised.” (DECREE on the revised Order of Confirmation, 22 August 1971, Prot. n. 800/71)

2024 Fall Confirmation Schedule (Updated 5/2/2024)

2025 Spring Confirmation Schedule

Liturgy Schema (PDF) - Completed schemas are to be submitted to the Office of Divine Worship no later than two weeks prior to the scheduled Confirmation celebration.

Confirmation Sponsor Eligibility Form (PDF)

Notification Form for Church of Baptism (PDF)

Norms for the Formation of Candidates for Confirmation

Norms for the Administration of the Sacrament of Confirmation